Design Guidelines

Quick Tips
- For rich black use C40, M30, Y20, K100.
- Resolution must be at least 300 dpi
- All gray should be a percentage of K (black)
- Reference Pantone and convert to CMYK
- Cutting, Spot UV, & Foil Stamps may shift up to 1/16”
- Create separate files for front and back printing
- Hide or remove our template before saving
Export File as PDF
- Press Quality
- Compatibility: Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)
- Do not compress text & line art
- Hide or remove our template before saving

- File size should match the Endless Prints template. Templates can be found on the respective product page of our website.
- All crucial elements such as text, icons, images, logos, etc. must be inside the safe zone. Failure to meet this requirement could result in important information being trimmed.
- Do not use your program’s bleed or crop settings. Refer to the Endless Prints template bleed, trim, and safe lines.
- All colors will be made CMYK before printing. Setting your document to CMYK prior to submitting will ensure that no color shift occurs as a result of using RGB or Pantone modes.
- Turn all text to objects (outline) and embed all pictures to the document. This ensures that Endless Prints will be able to open your document without any font replacement or data loss.

A file dedicated to the Spot UV mask or foil stamp must accompany the regular design file. The mask file indicates where the spot treatment will be applied. The following are required in your mask file.
- Use 100% K (Black) to indicate where you would like the Spot UV or foil. White will indicate no UV or foil.
- If you plan to use Spot UV and a foil stamp, you must provide separate mask files.
Also keep in mind the foil stamp and Spot UV must be 1/8” apart from each other. - For best results, please make sure that foil coverage is less than 50% of the artwork area.
- Be aware that there can be up to 1/16” shift on foil and Spot UV. To discourage undesirable results, avoid using small or fine text/fonts with foil and Spot UV.